BoD Documents

GSC Governing Documents

The Bylaws establish rights of its members and the general structure of the organization.

The Statutes offer a more detailed description of how the GSC should function and operate.


GSC Meeting Minutes

BoD Minutes

2016-2021 BoD meeting minutes

2011-2012 BoD meeting minutes

Steering Minutes

2020-2021 Steering Minutes

2018-2019 steering minutes

2016-2018 steering minutes


GSC Candidate Form

GSC Candidate form


Miscellaneous Documents

gradstudents listserv Archives – August 2007 to May 2018

Caltech Archive Scans of GSC documents (includes documents since the start of GSC in 1988)

GSC budget history from 1999 to 2018

Itemized Budget Summary 2015-2019



Evolution of the GSC website

Want to see how the GSC website changed over time? Check out the wayback machine at the internet archive – they have snapshots of the webpage saved since 2002.*/